Senior Lawson IPA Developer
Extensive Lawson Consulting experience includes;
Client 1)
Designed and developed IPA flows (v10) for the GHR system: Action Request Approvals (Hire/Rehire/Promotion/Transfer/Termination/Discipline/New Position, etc.) with Rich Client inbasket displays; Interfaces (Kronos Import, Payroll Scanning, TransAmerica 457f/403b, Systoc Job History & Employees, cBord Café & Retail, etc.) utilizing SQL queries/stored procedures/SSIS, SFTP and/or File Channels; Batch Flows (Start and Complete Leave); AD User Provisioning.
Client 2)
Designed and developed IPA flows (v10) for the Supplier Portal SSCM module. The IPA flows added additional security roles to the primary contact Infor ID, routed approval emails based on commodity code priority levels, disabled corresponding S3 vendor records if supplier record inactivated, sent emails based on supplier record status codes.
Client 3)
Designed and developed IPA flows (v10.1) interfacing S3/LTM to 3rd party systems (Optum, Fidelity, Kronos, Liberty Mutual, etc.) with SQL queries, SFTP/FTP and/or File Channels and approval flows (Requisition, Journal Entry, Budget Change and APIA Invoice) and modified Infor delivered GHR/TM flows (Hire, Transfer, Pay Change, etc.) per client’s requirements. Designed and developed Perceptive (Imaging) buttons for vendor and invoice forms (AP20, AP30.3, MA43) utilizing Smart Office Scripting Tool.
Client 4)
Designed and developed IPA flows interfacing Infor TM (Talent Management) and S3 data; developed several flows (PO, AP, HR, GL, etc.) to interface Infor and Hyland OnBase; developed several approval flows (Requisitions, Journal Entry, Hire/Rehire/Termination, FTE Change, etc.) utilizing Infor Smart Office (ISO), Workspace/Ming.Le and Rich Client/Canvas for inbasket displays with version 10 Infor Process Designer (IPD). Designed and developed Design Studio forms – Requisition Approval Inquiry (with Imaging link), Proxy Approver Assignment, and New Vendor and Item form customizations with custom database views to Landmark data. Designed and developed custom ESS forms – Mail Paycheck Authorization, Benefit Enrollment Authorization, etc. utilizing JavaScript, HTML and Infor servlet calls.
Client 5)
Designed and developed PFI flows interfacing Lawson S3 Financial and Procurement data to 3rd party Supply Chain system (Warehouse/Distribution/Services Management Software) utilizing XML, SQL and web services; via automated (created custom Design Studio forms and triggers) and scheduled triggers. Technical team lead of 4 developers – created the technical design documents, created flow templates, QA’d their development work and performed the integration testing between the two systems.
Client 6)
Modified ESS Employee Referral Bonus Request (custom ZP61 Design Studio entry and inbasket forms accessed via custom Portal bookmarks, custom approval PFI flow); MSS Bonus Request (custom ZP63 Design Studio entry and inbasket forms accessed via custom Portal bookmarks, custom approval PFI flow); MSS Certification Bonus Request (ZP62 Design Studio entry and inbasket forms accessed via custom Portal bookmarks, custom approval PFI flow); ESS PTO Donation (ZP60 Design Studio entry and inbasket forms accessed via custom Portal bookmarks, custom approval PFI flow); Personnel Action (custom PA52 M/ESS Design Studio entry and inbasket forms with custom flows); customized ESS Address files with HTML, XML and JavaScript based on updated requirements.
Client 7)
Designed and developed PFI flows interfacing Lawson S3 and LTM servers to third party systems – ADP (Payroll), Discovery (COBRA Benefits) and CostPoint (HR/PR) via Lawson ProcessFlow Designer (v9) and then upgraded these flows to Lawson Process Automation (v10 beta). Utilized Lawson Smart Office (LSO) Inbasket for approvals.
Consultant Ref:
Work Status:
US Citizen
1-3 weeks
Ability to travel:
Ability to relocate:
Infor Smart Office (ISO)
Lawson S3
Smart Office Scripting Tool
ProcessFlow Integrator
Lawson Design Studio
Lawson LID
Rich Client/Canvas
Microsoft VB
Lawson Portal/Ming.Le
Professional Experience
Senior Lawson IPA Developer
Senior System Consultant
Lawson Software
Sr. System Consultant
More career information available upon request.
Education, Certifications & Training
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA
Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering, June 1998
Additional information
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